The Troubleshooting Section of the Watching That Platform is extremely powerful.
Within Troubleshooting you can find a breakdown of your Error performance for the last 3-7 days (depending on what edition your on). It's here that you should be able to find all of the information you need to troubleshoot your errors.
We recommend utilising the unlimited amount of filters to first figure out where your error is Clustering. You can start by choosing which error you'd like to focus on and clicking on it, this then automatically applies that Error code as the filter.
From here you can use the 'Explore by' drop down to choose what Dimensions you would like to filter that specific error code by, or simply investigate for clustering.
There is no limit to how many dimension filters you can apply.
The aim is to utilise the filters, and pinpoint any clustering so you can understand where and what is causing the error, whether it be a specific Player, in a specific browser, on a specific device on a specific Site/Domain or even a specific Selling Partner.
Once you've clearly identified where the clustering is occurring you're ready to take that data to the relevant teams to either implement a fix or dig that little bit deeper, for example, reaching out to your Selling Partner to let them know they're erring out, or your internal engineering team to fix a player issue.
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