To create a Relative Change Monitor navigate to the 'Monitoring' Module
Click on the yellow '+ Add Monitor' button
Before you get into the specifics of your monitor we recommend making sure you have your notification channels set up and ready to go. To see how to do this please read our How to Setup Notification Channels guide.
Once your notification channels are set up you'll be able to choose which notification channel to be alerted by within the monitor.
If you have more than one Data Source plugged into Watching That, it is advised to first select your data source first so that you can see your visualisation form as you build your Monitor.
Next to monitor type select 'Relative Change'
'Monitor Metric' is where you'll see a drop down of all the available metrics to use when creating a monitor. Click on the drop down and select your desired metric for this monitor.
If you want to filter your metric by a specific Dimension, E.G: Site Section, Device Type, Series, Domain, you can do so by adding one in the 'Filtered by' option. It's worth noting you do not have to add a filter to a monitor for it to work.
Once you've chosen your data source, metric and possible filter for your monitor you will need to decide if you want to monitor for Increases and/or Decreases. You can choose to monitor both, or one depending on your use case. For metrics such as Errors or Unfilled Inventory we recommend monitoring for increases and for metrics such as Fill Rate or Gross Impressions we recommend monitoring for decreases.
From there you will move on to the middle column of creating your monitor and decide what 'Time granularity' you want it to track. You can choose between monitoring every 10 mins or every hour.
For a Relative Change monitor you will have to define your 'Comparison Window Size'. To determine the initial value needed for a relative change calculation the algorithm will average the previous number of values, in this example screenshot that would be '6'. The bigger the window size the more values that are averaged to determine the initial value.
Once you've determined your 'Comparison Window Size' you will need to set a '% Change' to be alerted against. In this example screenshot you can see '50%', this means that you will be alerted if your chosen metric sees a decrease of 50% or more for the average previous 6 values of that metric.
Now you've set up all the key parts of your monitor the next step is to give it a name
Then click 'Save' and you'll see the monitor appear in your table of monitors within the Monitoring module
If you have any questions or trouble creating a Relative change Monitor please don't hesitate to reach out to your CSM via or using the in app chat.
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